If you are unable to make it to one of these dates, feel free to have a family member or friend pick up an application for you! We will not be mailing or emailing any applications this year. We look forward to seeing you all this holiday season!
If you would like to sponsor a child or donate to families in need, please call our voicemail at 614-470-4320 or email us at westervillecaringsharing@gmail.com
Westerville Caring and Sharing (WC&S), is a community-centered 501(c)3 charitable organization that reaches out to Westerville City School District students/families who are in need. The purpose of Westerville Caring & Sharing is to help people get back on their feet, especially around back-to-school and holiday time.
Westerville Caring and Sharing serves Westerville students who qualify for the subsidized lunch program. WC&S also provides school supplies and holiday gifts to students whose families are having economic difficulties due to job loss, illness, or disaster.
Our organization coud not have the impact it does without our amazing volunteers! We encourage school groups, church groups, businesses, and any members of our great community to visit and see their incredible generosity in action.
Our mission is to encourage individuals, businesses, civic, church, and school groups in the Westerville area to care for the less fortunate and to share their resources of time, funds, and energy. Please visit us on facebook for updates and information on our latest project!
Copyright © 2020 Westerville Caring & Sharing - All Rights Reserved.
Email: WestervilleCaringSharing@gmail.com
Phone: 614-470-4320
Address: P.O. Box 970 Westerville 43086
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